
Friday 29 July 2011

Book Blogger Hop: 7/29-8/1


It's that time again, put on your dancing shoes and groove to the Blogger Hop! This is a wonderful weekly meme hosted by Crazy For Books that brings together fellow book bloggers. Unfortunately, I have neglected to participate in the event for the longest while and now it is time to jump back on the bandwagon. This week's question:

“Highlight one book you have received this week (for review, from the library, purchased at the store, etc.) that you can’t wait to dig into!”

After reading Mrs. Dalloway and having my mind-blown to shattered fragments by its sheer awesomesomeness, I have been obsessed with Virginia Woolf and super excited to give To the Lighthouse another chance considering that my previous attempt 10 years ago ended in failure. Since then, I'd like to think that I have matured intellectually to appreciate and critically analyze literature. I feel confident that this time around, my experience with this novel will be much different now that I am more familiar with her style of writing. Thanks to the library, my weekend vacation to cottage country just got better.


  1. Oh, very good! I want to try Mrs Dalloway, heard good things about it. I tried Jacob's Ladder (I think it was) but couldn't get through it. But that was years ago.

  2. Thanks for stopping by Leeswammes! I believe the novel you are referring to is "Jacob's Room" as opposed to that psychological thriller Jacob's Ladder, which was later adapted into a film with Tim Robbins.

    Personally, I believe Mrs. Dalloway is a great starting point for those who may feel intimidated by Woolf. It's not a light beach-read by any stretch of the imagination but not nearly impenetrable either. Reading the text slowly and savoring the florid prose and unique use of language would also help one to understand and fall in love with the text. Don't be discouraged, I hope in the near future, you give Woolf another chance! :)

  3. Enjoy!your choice, happy Friday!

  4. My attempt to read Lighthouse a couple of years ago was also a failure...this, despite the fact that I loved Dalloway. Hope you have better luck.

    Here's my Book Blogger Hop and Follow Friday for this week:
    BBH and FF: Bonjour! Enchanté! ¡Buenos días!
    And I hope you will stop in to throw your hat into the ring for my July Giveaway! Win a $25 Amazon gift card!

  5. Virginia Woolf is an author on my tr list. A few of my friends rave about her. Hope you enjoy.

  6. Hi!
    Love the blog.
    Virginia Woolf.
    Happy Reading!
    My stop-

  7. New follower :) I read that a few years ago, but it took me FOREVER to get through it. I did enjoy it though!

    Amanda Welling
    Hippies, Beauty, and Books. Oh My!

  8. Thank you everyone for taking the time to stop by. I did manage to finish "To the Lighthouse" over the weekend so expect a review in the next few days. :D
