
Tuesday 30 August 2011

My Top 10 Books TBR this Fall!

This is the first time that I am participating in the Top Ten Tuesday meme held by The Broke and the Bookish. I've decided to go back to school in September and with the heavy course load, it is doubtful that I will have the time to enjoy some leisurely reading but we'll first have to see how the school year unfolds. Let's do this:
  1.  The Waves by Virginia Woolf: She is quickly becoming my favorite author and I am eager to read everything she has ever written in her lifetime. 
  2. The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy: Recommended by Satia, I desperately need to read more culturally diverse literature and this novel seems right up my alley.
  3.  The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath: I've put off this one for far too long.
  4. The Heart of the Matter by Graham Greene: Another one of my favorite authors and whose work I turn to whenever struggling what to read next or need inspiration to write my own stuff. I plan on hosting a challenge devoted to Greene, so stay tuned!
  5. Our Man in Havana by Graham Greene: See above.
  6. Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chobsky: I've got a crush on Emma Watson.
  7. The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemmingway: I'm not giving up on Papa H, just yet. Besides, it's short enough that I can likely read it in between all of the other laborious texts assigned by class.
  8. Tender is the Night by F. Scott Fitzgerald: Rich American yuppies living it up in Paris? Plus the protagonist's name is Dick Diver. 
  9. Everything is Illuminated by Jonathan Safran Foer: The Jewish diaspora and self-indulgent post-post modernism. Sounds like a winning combo. 
  10. Giovanni’s Room by James Baldwin: After reading the excellent Go Tell it on the Mountain, I have a feeling that that Mr. Baldwin will climb the ranks of my favorite's author's list in due time.
What does everyone else plan on reading?


  1. Oooo you have some very cool books on your TBR which are on mine too (not the fall one just a general one..)- Bell Jar, The Old Man and the Sea and The God of Small Things!! :D

  2. I've only read one book by Graham Greene but really enjoyed it and would love to read more by him. I'm interested to see what your challenge is going to be! :)

  3. I don't know your history with Hemingway, but I'm here to say that it's *totally fine* to not like him in my book. I can only really stand his short stories, so if even OMATS doesn't float your boat (sorry for the cheap pun), try the collected short stories if you're still determined.

    Great list! Happy reading!

  4. What a strong list! Good luck.

    It was easy to put together my Top Ten list this week,Top Ten Books That Are at the Top of My TBR for Fall! And tomorrow is the last day to sign up for the Readerbuzz August Giveaway!

  5. What a fantastic list. I've never read Greene but really want to. Most of the books on your list are books I really need to read someday. The one I've read, The Bell Jar, is one of my favorites. It was nice visiting your blog, I'll be back!

  6. My husband loves Graham Greene and is always trying to get me to read some of his - they're on my list I just never seem to get to them! I'll definitely have to check in to your challenge devoted to him

  7. Wait..whaa? Did you say the author was directing Wallflower! WOW! That will be interesting to watch him put together his book on screen-to see what he had in mind when he wrote the book (which could vary from the way his readership perceived it!) Thank you for sharing that fascinating piece of information..
    P.S. (If your read the book before me) I look forward to reading you review on the book! :D

  8. Great choices. I've read a few, and the rest I hope to read. I really need to get to a Foer book sometime soon. I'm a new follower by the way.

    Come check out my list for the week here.
