
Tuesday 11 June 2013

Teaser Tuesday (June 11)

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. The idea is to open your current read to a random page and share a few sentences.

"The heat between the walls of rain, the musty smell of his companion, the dim and wayward light of the kerosene lamp reminded him of a vault newly opened for another body to be let down upon its floor. A grievance stirred in him, a hatred of those who had brought him here" (175).

A very disquieting scene that took me by surprise. I am almost done reading this novel and will hopefully have a review up in the next few days!


  1. hmm im not familiar with this book but this got me interested..

    my teaser tuesday

  2. Someone recommended me Graham Greene when I mentioned I liked le Carre. I haven't read anything by him, so I wonder if this is a good place to start. The teaser makes it sound creepy and interesting, which is a good combination!

  3. Bookskeepmesane: I have also never heard of the book you are reading but that quote you shared was great. I am so going to use that as a response if anyone asks me that question, hehe.

    Priya: I haven't read anything by Le Carre but I suppose one could make the connection to Greene: both are british and often write about undercover agents/espionage in foreign countries. "The Spy Who Came in from the Cold" is supposed to be a really good one. have you read it?
