
Monday 10 February 2014

And the Classics Spin #5 Winner is...

Yay? I can't say that my enthusiasm for Tess of the D'Urbervilles is particular high since I tend to be apprehensive about 19th century novels but on a more positive note, at least Middlemarch was avoided this round. Nonetheless, this also seems like the perfect opportunity to finally read something by Thomas Hardy, one of those highly praised Victorian realist authors with a reputation for writing some very grim and depressing stories. Sounds right up my alley!

For those who have read this novel, what are your thoughts on it? I would appreciate any feedback and it would be helpful to know what to expect with this one.


  1. Sorry I can't be of help on this one. I've read two Hardy novels; one was Jude the Obscure, I think, (it was so long ago I remember almost nothing about it but that it was magnificently depressing) and the other was Under The Greenwood Tree, which surprisingly was only somewhat depressing but I can't say I liked it. I did have lots to say about the characters afterwards, though, so the experience had some positive elements. He is an author I do tend to avoid yet I really should start reading his works again.

    Good luck with your read! :-)

  2. I started reading Tess last year and set it aside after about 100 pages. I liked it, but I didn't pick it up again. It has been sitting on my dresser collecting dust since last January. Now I feel guilty for not having finished it at the time.

  3. Oh I loved Tess of the D'Urbervilles. I watched the movie and read the novel afterwards. I then read Jude the Obscure. Then, for some reason, I moved onto Dickens.

  4. Cleo: Your ambivalence towards Hardy is rather comforting. I started reading Tess the other day and while the writing is pretty solid, I can tell right away that he is one of those authors prone to using a lot of detailed descriptions (not exactly a bad thing) which is going to make this one a slow read. I am a fan of brevity and tend to get frustrated rather easily with these long-winded novels. 'Jude the Obscure' does sound like a more appealing novel to me for some reason.

    Messier: Don't feel guilty about not finishing this or any other books for that matter. I need to take a lesson from you and do this more often because I get into the bad habit of forcing myself to read stuff that doesn't appeal to me just out of vanity (The Master and the Margarita being my latest shame). I get the feeling that Tess is one of those novels that I will probably struggle to finish.

    Satia: Thanks, that's +1 for Tess which is very reassuring coming from you Satia. Sadly, I have never read anything by Dickens but have seen many of the film adaptations. Well, I started "A Tale of Two Cites" but couldn't get past the first chapter, heh. What would you recommend by him?
