
Monday 20 January 2020

Deal Me in Challenge: The Possibility of Evil by Shirley Jackson

Judge not yet ye be judged...

Most people would probably agree that Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery" is one of the finest short stories ever written (you will hear no argument from me on that front) so I was curious to see what else she might have up her sleeve and this story did not disappoint. She set the bar exceedingly high with "The Lottery" so anything else is bound to be a letdown in comparison. Therefore, it is probably best to temper your expectations before reading this one. Not to say that The Possibility of Evil is disappointing or a lousy piece of writing, on the contrary--there is plenty to admire here, reaffirming Shirley Jackson's talents as a great short-story writer. Similar to what we find in "The Lottery", she is cleverly deceptive in her narrative approach, often portraying different aspects of ordinary life but subverts the reader's expectations by revealing that everything may not be what they seem on the surface. Indeed, ordinary people who might have the best intentions are fully capable of committing some of the most terrible acts. I have also noticed that her stories also tend to share an underlying sinister tone lurking just beneath the surface, ready to erupt at any given moment, which makes for a captivating read. 

Miss Adela Strangeworth lives in a small town and is recognized by many people as a venerable matriarch of the community; she knows everybody's business and prides herself on being a sanctimonious Christian woman who believes it is her duty to condemn any wrong-doing or immoral behavior she sees by writing people anonymous letters. Moral of the story: mind your own business and don't meddle in other people's affairs because karma has a funny way of coming back to haunt you. The ironic ending is what gives the story its iconoclastic sharpness but I also can't help but feel that Jackson does not go far enough in showing the retribution for self-righteousness and human cruelty.


  1. I've only read one of Jackson's novels and found it adequate but it didn't blow me away. I should try some of her short stories though. Glad to see that you're posting up a storm and I'm so enjoying reading your reviews!

    1. Which novel did you read by her that was disappointing? Definitely check out "The Lottery" if you haven't already read it!

      Thanks for the encouragement Cleo, I am trying to post at least one review a day so let's see how long I can manage to keep that up! haha

  2. I've only read The Lottery but I've always wanted to check out some of Jackson's other stories. This one sounds like a good one!

    1. I definitely plan on reading more of her during the next DMI challenge. This one is worth reading though!
