
Thursday 16 February 2023

The Prisoner by Richard Matheson

"They won't let me out, they won't let me out, (I'm locked up)" - Akon

Well, this was disappointing. The story starts off with so much promise and then fizzles into meaningless drivel. A man wakes up in a prison with no memory of how he got there and will soon be executed. I was actually hooked from the start and thought the author presented an intriguing premise with lots of potential. Unfortunately, Matheson has no idea where to go from here and the story ends up being this drawn-out Abbot and Costello routine. The prisoner keeps asking the guards and priest the same questions without getting a straight answer from either of them. 

The story seems to suggest that the prisoner is stuck in purgatory and being punished for causing mass death as a nuclear physicist. Regardless, any kind of exegesis of this text would be a waste of time. I just saved you 10 minutes of your life--use it wisely. You're welcome. 

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