
Wednesday 13 March 2024

Death and What Comes Next by Terry Pratchett

Stop pontificating and die already!!

I have never read the Disc World novels or anything else by Terry Pratchett for that matter. Reading 'Death and What Comes Next' felt like a breeze—quick, amusing, and good for a few chuckles. Sometimes, that's all you can really ask for with a comedic short-story. 

So, a philosopher and Death walk into a bar...well, not really. They both meet and the philosopher attempts to outwit the inevitable by expounding on the complex issues of multiverses, morality, ethics, and free will. Yet, Death, unyielding and ever-patient, challenges the philosopher with its own brand of sophisticated logic. It's akin to witnessing a chess match between a seasoned champion and an eager novice. The champion here is Death, already foreseeing victory from the outset. Much to his annoyance, he decides to indulge his opponent, mostly to run out the clock or maybe impart a lesson in the process. Death cleverly lulls the philosopher into a false sense of security with the belief that referencing 'Schrödinger's cat' theory will be enough to tip the scales of victory in his favor. 

Death's response and the final punch-line is enough to make this story worth-while if you're looking for a good chuckle.

You can read this story HERE.

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