
Saturday 30 March 2024

Welcome to Your Authentic Indian Experience™ by Rebecca Roanhorse

Justice is what I seek, Kemosabe.

My last review was quite lengthy, so I'll try and keep this one as brief as possible. I enjoyed this story a little bit more than the other Rebecca Roanhorse story I read earlier this month but similarly, it felt slightly underwhelming, never quite reaching its full potential. 

"Welcome to Your Authentic Indian Experience™" presents a somewhat interesting futuristic premise involving virtual reality that gives me serious Westworld vibes but without the intrigue, which serves mostly as a springboard to explore indigenous stereotypes and cultural appropriation. Ironically, as Indigenous culture has been tragically erased by the brutal forces of genocide and colonization, there emerges the possibility to resurrect this history through artificial simulation. Nevertheless, I find the author's exploration of these complex issues lacking much depth, merely scratching the surface. Furthermore, the portrayal of the "evil white man" seems forced and overly simplistic. The exaggerated absurdity of how the events unfold for our naive protagonist felt contrived from the get-go. While the story is decent, it leaves me with a lingering sensation that it had the potential to be memorable and more emotionally impactful.

You can read this story HERE.

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