
Tuesday 7 April 2015

Top 10 Tuesday: Top 10 Characters I'd Like to Check in With

This week's Top Ten Tuesday hosted by the Broke and the Bookish is a good one. Who wouldn't want to visit their favorite characters and see what they might be up to? Narrowing my list down to 10 proved to be quite a challenge.

"One man's ways may be as good as another's, but we all like our own best."
  1. Anne Elliot from Jane Austen's Persuasion: It took a while to grow on me, but I think Persuasion might be my favorite Austen and a lot of that has to do with Anne Elliot. Not going to lie, I've got a serious crush on Anne. Wentworth is one lucky guy. I wouldn't mind stopping by Kellynch Hall for dinner to see how they are getting on.
  2. The Harry Potter crew from J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter Series: I expect to see this one show up on many lists too. For us hardcore fans, the epilogue isn't enough to satisfy our curiosity as to what happened during those intervening years or what comes next. 
  3. Clarissa Dalloway from Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway: I always wondered if she would eventually reconcile her true feelings towards Peter and leave Richard. Would she still have the same ideas about life and death in her older age?
  4. Lily Briscoe from Virginia Woolf's To the Lighthouse: Did she ever receive any marriage proposals or remain a spinster? I wonder what happened to her painting--did it end up in the attic or perhaps put on display at the National Gallery?
  5. Holden Caulfield from J.D. Salinger's Catcher in the Rye: Bound to be a popular choice. Did he ever grow up or become a phony adult himself? 
  6. Various characters from Guy Gavriel Kay's Tigana: I did not include specific names to avoid spoilers. Oh man, how I would love to return to the amazing world of the Palm in Tigana and see how the survivors of the great war are getting on.
  7. Various characters from Guy Gavriel Kay's The Lions of Al-Rassan: Avoiding spoilers again. The Jaddite Kingdom is still unstable. Will death find its way to the  doorstep of those who managed to survive the previous civil war?
  8. Esther Greenwood from Sylvia Plath's The Bell Jar: I really hope she found happiness and met a nice guy who loved her unconditionally. I would hate to see her locked up in a psych-ward or find out she committed suicide.
  9. Moses Herzog from Saul Bellows Herzog: Did Moses ever come to terms with his own life or did his disillusionment and eventual self-destruction send him to the grave?
  10. Joe Chip from Philip K. Dick's Ubik: The ambiguous ending leaves a lot of unanswered questions. Does Joe find a way out of this crazy world or just accept this new reality?


  1. #5 I wonder, too, if Holder grew up to be a phony like the very adults he complained about. He was already was a phony teenager.

    1. Exactly. It would interesting to see if he became one of the biggest phonies of all lol

  2. Great choices. The Harry Potter characters are on my list, too. They seem to be very popular today.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. As it should be. Despite its narrative flaws, I still love the series and like many, it helped to re-ignite my passion for reading.

  3. Great choices! I considered Esther from the Bell Jar for my list, too. Of course the novel was autobiographical, which leads me to believe it doesn't end well. But I like to think of Esther as a person in her own right, who might have had a happy ending. :-)

    1. True, it probably wouldn't end well for Esther for the very reasons you mention but yes, one can always hope things worked out for her. Thanks for stopping by Irene!

  4. I really enjoyed Persuasion too, even though it seems to get the least love out of Austen's novels. I would like to think things worked out well for Esther, she seemed to be in a good place at the end of the novel.
    Thanks for stopping by The Local Muse

    1. I've noticed that too, Persuasion does seem to placed on the lower tier of Austen's works. For shame!

      No problemo, Glad to see we shared some similar choices for this this weeks meme.

  5. Rowling keeps posting snippets from the 'future' on Pottermore which people I know get all excited about, but to me the few I read were just annoyingly small or vague. I'd like another book, thank you.

  6. I can't be bothered with any of the Pottermore stuff, seems like a tease.

    Hell yeah, Rowling needs to release another Harry Potter book already.
